If your vibrator is not working the way it should, you can always do a hard reset to restore your vibrator's original settings. If a hard reset does not solve your issue, please contact us at support@lioness.io and we'll do our best to diagnose the problem!
- Press the left button (1 dot) to turn on your vibrator
- Hold down the right button (2 dots) for ten seconds
- After 10 seconds, the lights lights will quickly flash green and the vibrator will turn off. Hard reset complete!
- Sync your vibrator to restore your vibration settings and to reset the clock
A hard reset will:
1. Reset the clock
- If you fail to sync your vibrator after a hard reset, your sessions will be recorded with an incorrect date and time
2. Reset your vibration settings
- Sync your vibrator before use to restore your vibration settings
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