There are two forms of CoQ10, ubiquinone, and Ubiquinol. CoQ10 starts as ubiquinone and then is converted within the cell to the more powerful Ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants.
To have a healthy pregnancy and baby, both the ova and sperm must be healthy! The cells of a developing embryo just after conception cannot divide properly if either ova or sperm health is poor, resulting in miscarriage. If the ova and sperm are very poor in health, conception may not be able to occur, even through IVF.
Researchers think that CoQ10 supplementation may help cells function more normally and divide more normally by restoring normal energy to the mitochondria in each cell. This is very important when considering conception and how the first stages of life are dependent on proper cell division.
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