First – FertilAid for Women is a Fertility Supplement for Healthy Women Trying to Conceive.
FertilAid for Women brings together herbal ingredients (such as Vitex agnus castus and Red Clover blossom) to support hormonal balance and overall reproductive wellness.
Since 2003, thousands of healthy women have used FertilAid for Women to support their reproductive wellness.
Next – FertilAid for Women is a Preconception Multivitamin.
ObGyns recommend that you begin taking a prenatal vitamin as soon as you begin trying to conceive to ensure proper nutrition and the health of your baby. While other fertility supplements provide some elements of a prenatal, they omit other critical ones. This puts you in a difficult position.
Either you take an additional prenatal vitamin along with those products and risk “doubling up” the amount of some vitamins/minerals (some of which are not recommended at these levels, like iron); or you only take the fertility supplement and neglect these other critical vitamins/minerals. With FertilAid for Women, you can rest assured that you are getting preconception vitamin support while you are trying to conceive. Once you become pregnant, we recommend switching to a regular prenatal vitamin.
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