IsoFresh Balancing Gel can be helpful to women who are trying to conceive. The increased exposure to semen during the fertile period can tax the vagina's self-cleaning and balancing mechanisms. If your vaginal ecosystem is healthy, chances are it can regain pH balance back to a low acidic pH (~4 pH) on its own. But anything that disrupts our hormone system (PCOS, medications, stress, toxins, smoking, and weight changes) can make it harder for the vaginal ecosystem to bounce back. Constant exposure to a neutral pH (~7 pH) can eventually overwhelm the acidic environment and lead to unwanted feminine odors and vaginal infections. IsoFresh gives the vagina extra help to attain a healthy pH level between fertile periods so you can move forward on your journey to conception and a healthy pregnancy. And, remember, as you approach ovulation, the pH of your vagina naturally increases due to the production of fertile quality cervical fluid, which has a pH of close to 7. IsoFresh should not be used during your fertile window, the 4 or 5 days immediately preceding ovulation. During your fertile window, be sure to use a sperm friendly lubricant.
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